Heroku currently (11/17/2010) has an issue wherein it refuses to play nice with Bundler. I have a pretty simple Gemfile for a little toy I’m working on, and it looks like this:

source :rubygems
gem 'sinatra'
gem 'haml'

I ran bundle install, checked in the Gemfile and Gemfile.lock, and pushed to Heroku aaaaannnndd…

You have deleted from the Gemfile:
  * version: 1.0.6

I looked at what it was choking on in the Gemfile.lock, and it turned out to be under the METADATA section at the bottom. Specifically, the last two lines in my Gemfile.lock were:

  version: 1.0.6

After much searching, I found nothing. I couldn’t see any particular reason that those lines were there, didn’t find anyone else having the same issue, or anyone else having Bundler choke on metadata. So, I deleted the line. Now the end of my Gemfile.lock looks like:


Ran “git push heroku master” and boom! No error. Soblem prolved.

Well, not really. Ideally, Heroku wouldn’t choke on metadata in Gemfile.lock.