Come on, Rails. Yes, I know, callbacks are harder than people think. Yeah, I know, devs are all whiny bitches. No no, don’t worry, Mongoid isn’t mad at you - he’ll clean up the couch. Look, I mean, have you thought about keeping errors around? I know when people call save they sometimes want a fresh start, but I’d think if they put a bunch of stuff in errors[:base] they probably wanted them to stay there. And… you know… not save. And trigger validation errors and stuff.

Okay, okay! Calm down. Jeeze, should never have let you into the Mad Dog. Anyway, fine, go ahead and clear errors[:base] when someone calls save. But how about when they call Model.errors.full_messages? I mean, they just want to read the messages. There’s even another method for Model.errors.clear – they’d just call that if they wanted to get rid of all the errors, right?

HEY! NOT COOL, BRO! You do not get to take a swing at me just ‘cause we’re shooting the shit. Anyway, calm the fuck down. Keep doing whatever the hell you’re doing with errors, see if I give a shit. I’ll write my own error thingy.